2023-2024 Prices
A NON-REFUNDABLE $30 deposit will hold your seat on the bus.
You have two options for payment:

Option 1 - Pay everything in advance - before Thanksgiving.
  • Deposit, bus fee, six lift tickets and NO RENTAL: $450
  • Deposit, bus fee, six lift tickets WITH SKI OR SNOWBOARD RENTAL: $660
  • You never have worry about bringing in money each week.
  • Money left at the end of the season can be rolled into the next season or refunded.
  • Helmet rental available: $10 weekly
Option 2- Pay for the bus and then "Pay As You Ski."
  • Pay ONLY the deposit and bus fee - BEFORE THANKSGIVING: $234
  • Weekly cost - NO RENTAL: $36
  • Weekly cost - WITH SKI OR SNOWBOARD RENTAL: $71
  • The program costs are more spread out.
  • Money must be brought in for lift tickets the week of the trip.
  • Helmet rental available: $10 weekly
Please make checks payable to either "Timberlane" or "TRHS"
Bring weekly checks turned to Mr. Rugoletti in room 320 on the day you ski.